Re: [Tracker] Bugzilla is not the evil [was Re: Issues with current trunk]

2008/12/6 Martyn Russell <martyn imendio com>:
On 05/12/08 10:52, Luca Ferretti wrote:

Il giorno mar, 02/12/2008 alle 01.34 +0100, Michael Biebl ha scritto:

Hi everyone,

instead of filing tons of bugs (we already have more than enough, many
are unanswered), I'll try to write up a (short) list, upon which
issues I stumbled:

I know it's OT but... are you really sure that this list of issues on
mailing list (or on a wiki page) can be managed better then filed bugs
on bugzilla???

Maybe bugzilla is not trivial, but it's well suited to _track_ issues
and their life cycle. I'm currently using bugzilla to track the status
of HighContrast-SVG icon theme and it's really really useful, especially
helpful to allow other people to know if someone if working on a bug and
if a bug fix is planned/desired to land on future release

Of course active developers should take care to check stuff on bugzilla,
confirm the bug and eventually assign it. Is not useful report a bug on
bugzilla if nobody will take care of it ;)

Luca is right. We should be using bugzilla.

Adding your fix requests to the mailing list does not guarantee us looking
at them in any way what so ever.

Just look at the current tracker bugzilla, it's completely unusable
and ~80 bug reports are still unanswered.

For a pressing issue like the 0.6.90, I feared that my bug reports
were lost somewhere between them.

Unless the bugzilla gets more efficient, I actually prefer a mailing


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