Re: [Tracker] more issues with indexer-split

On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 11:33 +0100, Martyn Russell wrote:
Jamie McCracken wrote:
On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 19:30 +0200, Carlos Garnacho wrote:
As far as I see, for mbox you're storing the offset in the stream:

        msg_offset = g_mime_parser_tell (mf->parser);
        mail_msg->offset = msg_offset;
For IMAP, I just get "0" in the Services table, also didn't get to see
any code to do this.

imap stores message count too - its count rather than byte offset

As Carlos says, this code is NOT working in TRUNK for IMAP. So this
whole argument is moot.

i will look into this for imap. Mbox/pop3 definitely does work as I

no when junk/deleted email is encountered during the start up scan its
UID is checked against that table  (JunkMails) to see if we already know
about it. If its not in that table then we add it and then delete it
from our index. Ergo its more efficient than what you have

The whole idea of keeping a separate table for deleted/junk email sounds
really inefficient to me. I have quite a bit and I get quite a bit every
day, that's a lot of extra processing. Surely it is MORE processing than
the current inefficiencies you are outlining with our current design?

no because in most cases the junk emails table will be smaller than the
email services table 

Could you tell me where's that code? The only users for
InsertJunk/LookupJunk (the stored procedures) are
tracker_db_email_insert_junk() and tracker_db_email_lookup_junk(), the
former is also the only user of the latter, and it doesn't do what you

The only place I see where it could delete emails from the DB for
Evolution is check_summary_file(), and tracker_db_email_delete_email()
seems to be called inconditionally for any junk/deleted message found.

the way it should work is as described above

I had tested it and it works (deleted and junk emails are pruned on next
restart of trackerd)

What you're saying here doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It sounds
like you're saying that if mail is marked as junk or deleted you don't
want to update the index until we restart the daemon? So people will
still be searching and finding junk until trackerd is restarted? That
doesn't sound right to me. Or did you mean something else?

thats right if a user marks an email in evo as junk or deleted it will
remain in tracker until tracker is restarted - that is deliberate 

as I said before we dont wanna do junk checking everytime a new email
arrives which is crazily inefficient hence we skip that part til
trackerd is restarted

anyway iw ill optimize it - can you sort out the file moves and restore
inotify api if necessary. I will review what you have done over the
weekend and hopefully merge monday


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