Re: [Tracker] Search doesn't return anything while content being indexed

On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 16:17 -0700, Jimmy Huang wrote:
On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 18:44 -0400, Jamie McCracken wrote:
as soon as indexer split has merged i will start work on integratng it -
I hope to have something ready in time for ubuntu feature freeze (28th


Hi Jamie,

Ok, thanks for a update.  If I want to perform a search using time-based
offset to return only results added/changed after a specific time. The
timestamp value would be the time that particular file was indexed/added
to the database.  I see that there's a IndexTime column in the Service
table that maps to st_mtime, I should be able to add a new function in
tracker.h that allows search of files that query the database by pending
something like

"where Services.IndexTime > 'xxxx time'"

Or is there's a rdf query that can be mapped to this?


  <rdfq:Property name="IndexTime" />

I think its File:MTime 


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