Re: [PATCH] seahorse pkcs11 build fixes

BTW, the new seahorse mailing list is at seahorse-list gnome org 

Joe Orton wrote:
> #include <gp11/gp11.h> didn't work because gp11-0.pc gives:
> Cflags: -I${includedir}/gp11
> so I just fixed that per the other C sources.
> In the x86_64 build was giving scary integer truncation warnings from 
> the C compiler since CKA_* types were being treated as uint not ulong.  

Thanks for catching that. Looks good to commit.

> Fixing this also seems to get seahorse to the point where it does at 
> least list the presence of an X.509 cert on a smartcard, with the right 
> ID, using the OpenSC PKCS#11 module configured.  Doesn't get much 
> further though ;)

Yup, the PKCS#11 support is in its infancy. Hopefully we'll get there by
version 2.26.


Stef Walter

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