r-t meeting notes (GUADEC 2016, 20160813)

Action items marked with @name.

GUADEC AGM presentation today (@mcatanzaro):
* ask r-t members available in audience to shortly stand up?
* Maintainership flatpak runtime.
* Moduleset reorg
* Need fresh blood, people who can push things thru, self-motivated.
* Anyone can help with build failures!

Credentials for android / official google play account - board request.
Board to keep password as fallback.
@olav or @javier (cant remember) to reply?

GTK+ versioning scheme naming: 'unstable' vs 'next' or 'short term

Modulesets reorg - 'core' is what we expect distros to ship by default,
vs 'apps' which are extras.  
@mcatanzaro to provide list of module names of modules in core in
Open ended criteria when applications are ready for core? e.g. Polari
is great but IRC is a dev thingy. Not a quality judgement, but
reasonable defaults (what many people want, fits style guidelines,
@mcatanzaro and @matthias to talk to allan / richard about mandatory /
unremovable apps

On download.gnome.org, get rid of core apps etc? Announce to
distributions. Have symlinks in place.

@andre to clean bugzilla classifications, jhbuild is canonical source.

@olav to clean git.gnome.org (based on info in doap files)

'tested-apps' suite in jhbuild modulesets gutted, compared to 'core'
and 'world'. Some core apps are unremovable, some are not. core-apps?
('world' is not versioned, r-t does not care about 'world'.)

Move jhbuild modulesets to separate repo?
Flatpak / gnome-sdk vs jhbuild definitions. Modulesets in three
places.  (~DOAP / AppData?)

Flatpak: for how long to support runtime updates. LTS for gnome
runtime; vs freedesktop.org runtime.

Who to write Flatpak JSON builder files for non-core applications?
@mcatanzaro to review GnomeGoals pages. 

Missing pieces in toolchain for Flatpak - @mclasen to take a look.
Figure out to build from that, update script to look for build file.
Take over maintenance of runtime?

@fredp: Meson support in jhbuild, for gstreamer?

@fredp: WebKit building in jhbuild - keep older version? But no version
number support in jhbuild. Epiphany is the only module requiring very
recent WebKit; move that def to Epiphany itself?, use WebKit *tarballs*
for everything else instead?

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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