Re: Meeting at FOSDEM?

I'll be at FOSDEM.

How should we meet up there?  I've never been there, so I don't know
what would work best.  Is there a "GNOME booth" type thing?

On Mon, 2013-01-21 at 10:49 +0100, Olav Vitters wrote:
> Propose another meeting at FOSDEM. To be held when we find space to hold
> a meeting as well as find eachother :P
> Suggested time: Saturday afternoon. This as I recall Sundays going by
> quickly and I'm usually not at the conference before noon.
> (Potential) Topics:
> - release team membership changes
>   we talked a while ago about possible new member, but don't recall any
>   outcome
> - gnu membership
>   it is not something for release team. I just wonder what it brings us,
>   I haven't noticed any benefit, while I see the drawbacks. I'd like to
>   understand what the rest thinks. fyi, this is not just about the
>   recent stuff on foundation-list (see archives if you have
>   unsubscribed).
> - status of 3.8
>   I haven't been following 3.8 development process due to Mageia
>   focussing on 3.6. Hope to join along for 3.10 again.
> - 4.x when?
>   Seems people get very focussed when the major version changes. One way
>   to change that would be to change the major more often ;)
>   Though we don't do feature based releases, what should the criteria
>   be? Align the version number with gtk+ or not?
>   Note: there was at least 2 years or so between thinking about a 3.0
>   and the actual 3.0, so think of 4.x as defining where we want to go.
> - git accounts for forks
>   Saw some news about a fork of our fallback mode. Didn't notice a git
>   account request. Should we offer such stuff (like MATE), just
>   wait/ignore or do we prefer that it is not under 'GNOME'?
> A FOSDEM meeting is usually unplanned, hopefully we'll have wifi, think
> maybe we should do a Google Hangout thing? I'm planning to only bring my
> phone. Seems you can do Google Hangout on that. Not sure if concretely
> we can make use of it, plus holding my phone the whole time might be bit
> awkward. Also would need quiet room, wifi, etc. Most will be face to
> face, so IRC won't be good enough.
> If you do not attend FOSDEM, would be nice if you could test if you're
> able to join a Google Hangout. I guess I need your gmail email address,
> I'll try and test how it all works :)
> Btw: ideally the hangout should be public.

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