Re: Meta-updater and OSTree demo at AGL stand at FOSDEM 2018

On Fri, Feb 2, 2018, at 7:29 AM, Leon Anavi wrote:

I have prepared a demonstration of software updates for Automotive Grade
Linux based on the Yocto/OE layer meta-updater and OSTree which I plan
to show this weekend at the AGL stand at building AW during FOSDEM 2018.
I will be at the stand on Saturday late afternoon and Sunday afternoon.

Yocto/OE layer meta-updater includes recipes for OSTree and Aktualizr,
an open source SOTA client implemented in C++ by ATS Advanced Telematic
Systems GmbH. The straight-forward way to use meta-updater is through
ATS Garage but it is also possible to use directly OSTree for deploying
images. My demonstration will focus on the simple steps to perform a
software update of agl-image-minimal on Raspberry Pi 3 using the ostree
admin tool. Please stop by at AGL stand to have a look at my demo :)

Cool!  Happy to see posts like this here.  I really wish I could be at FOSDEM
but I have two child processes, and for me is a priority, doing
both is just too long away from home.

Please do keep posting here if anyone has talks at future conferences related
to libostree!  Also I'd love to hear more about things that work well, and
pain points in general.

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