Re: [orca-list] Switching braille tables in brltty while working with orca


You have two options for switching braille in VSCode:

* Configure your braille preference in the Orca settings specific to VSCode, i.e., when pressing control+orca-modifier+space.
* Create a second Orca settings profile, and configure the braille in that profile. You can assign a shortcut in Orca to cycle between settings profiles.

As for unified braille grade one not appearing in Orca's braille settings, make sure liblouis is installed, and that the checkbox labeled "enable contracted braille" is checked in Orca's braille settings.
The label for that checkbox is actually misleading. What it actually does is to control whether Orca uses liblouis to translate braille. However, you can have it checked, and still choose a grade one table as your braille table of choice.



On Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 3:21 PM Vsevolod Popov via orca-list <orca-list gnome org> wrote:


I try to use my hims QBraille XL display with Linux and I have the following questions.

How can I switch braille tables in orca? I’d like to use Unified English Grade 1 table in Visual studio code, but I cannot find any way to switch it in orca’s braille prefferences. Maybe I should look at brltty settings?

That’s the main question about braille for now, because on windows in NVDA I can switch tables with a braille extender or at least manually and assign it to different applications.

What about linux?

I use orca from master, brltty 6.3, Ubuntu-mate 21.10.

Thank you!

Best regards,


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