Re: [orca-list] OCR in Orca?

Good Morning,

OCR is great idea. Many screenreaders has this and it would be usefull for many users.

Thanks for all your great job!

Best regards


Dne 12. 09. 20 v 9:14 Jean-Philippe MENGUAL via orca-list napsal(a):

Reading a webpage, I am wondering wether we could not enable Orca to use an OCR engine to decrypt things just like tables inserted via images or things like this. Would be helpful in some situations on the Web.

I ask here for user feedbacks and Joanie technical opinions about the idea I am thingking about: - the OCR feature would take the graphical object under the caret (or the flat review)
- would send it as an image to an OCR engine
- would open a "subwindow" and paste the OCR result, just lke a window pop-up to make the link list appear

Would be it useful? feasible? If not in Orca, is it possible for an external tool to know where Orca caret place (browsing cursor) and use it?

Best regards

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