Re: [orca-list] Slint Demo/Tutorial, Part 2: The Post-install--first steps


I have some fairly specific requirements before running a distro. Do you think you can help me sort out if slint will work for me?

On 10/13/19 2:08 PM, Didier Spaier wrote:
Hi Andy,

I can't and won't answer for Dave but will address some of you concerns.

I ship a 4.19 kernel because it's the most recent tagged LTS (long term
support). Furthermore I build Slint kernels reusing the configuration
file from Slackware-current. This makes Slint benefit of the 25 years of
experience of Patrick Volkerding in configuring kernels <smile>
This being said, it is easy for a user with some experience to build a
more recent kernel for Slint as the one we ship is not patched. However,
I don't see much benefit doing that, unless you own some recent hardware
not supported by a 4.19 kernel. Is it the case?

About GUI apps: you are right, the LibreOffice package shipped in Slint
is old. That's because I don't use it myself and nobody requested an
upgrade so far. I will upgrade to version 6.2.7 tomorrow.

More generally, someone wanting a newer version of some software can
just post a request on the Slint mailing list. It will be fulfilled if
possible (this is the case for LibreOffice as it is not a dependency of
other applications).

About emacspeak which I do not use I will let Dave answer. At least it's
usable both in a console and in graphical terminal like mate-terminal
and there is no sound conflicts in Slint: Alsa and PulseAudio coexist

As an aside, Slint currently ships the most recent versions of a11y
software both for the console and graphical environments, XFCE and Mate.

Best regards,

On 13/10/2019 18:25, Andy Borka via orca-list wrote:

Thanks for slowing down the speech on the second recording. A common question with choosing a distro is 'Why?' Is it possible that you make a recording on why you choose slint instead of some other distro? I'm curious because it seems that the packages in slint are somewhat out of date compared to Ubuntu. My major concern is (1) the slint kernel is only up to 4.19.x while the Ubuntu kernel is up to 5.3.x, and the Fedora kernel is even newer than 5.3, and (2) Some of the GUI apps such as Libre Office.

Is it also possible to demonstrate how slint handles things such as emacspeak? A common problem I get on Ubuntu is that the speech volume in emacspeak is much lower than the Orca volume. I want something more balanced in volume.

On 10/13/19 9:53 AM, Dave Hunt via orca-list wrote:

If you're using something like t-bird, just select the link, right-click, and choose 'save link as', and it will download.

On 10/13/19 5:23 AM, Vojtěch šmiro via orca-list wrote:

Is some way to download your recordings or is it only for listening?


Best regards


Dave Hunt via orca-list napsal(a):

I already recorded this before I realized that the espeakup rate might be too high;  Should I do this one, and the previous, over?

Here's the link to the second part. <>

Happy Listening,

Dave  Hunt
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