Re: [orca-list] emulating mouse stopped working probably after Gnome upgrade


FYI at-spi2-core has just been upgraded to 2.26.0+4+g7070583-1 in arch linux extra repo some 20 minutes ago. It includes the mentioned fix. You should get it at your prefered mirrors soon. Enjoy!

And big thanks again to Mike Gorse and Jan Steffens.



2017-10-24 22:08 GMT+02:00 Peter Vágner <pvdeejay gmail com>:

In order to make this a bit more visible I've just submitted an issue on the Arch linux bugtracker.
If you are already registered there, please add your wote:



2017-10-24 21:36 GMT+02:00 Peter Vágner <pvdeejay gmail com>:
Hello Mike,

2017-10-24 17:58 GMT+02:00 Mike Gorse <mgorse alum wpi edu>:

Commit 707058 in at-spi2-core should resolve this. I plan on making a 2.26 release next week.

Thank you very very much. It's now working as it should here.

Can you please look at the patch added to the arch linux package while packaging? Without it applied my X session even does not start so perhaps it might be usefull also.

Alternativelly if this patch is not needed perhaps the way how the meson build config is inwoked on Arch linux might be improved...
Is this correct?
mkdir build
cd build
meson setup --prefix=/usr --buildtype=release ../$pkgname \
  --sysconfdir=/etc \
  --libexecdir=/usr/lib/at-spi2-core \
ninja install

Thank you




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