Re: [orca-list] Orca and Vmware Workstation 12

How sure are you that it's not in the dialog boxasking you for your password so it can build the kernel modules? It's been a while since I messed round with vmware but it also used to ask for a license key. The debian wiki used to have instructions for installing the license key from a command prompt. You can google that. As far as the dialog box for compiling the kernel modules, I used to get past that by running vmware the first time logged in as root at the console. It would still recognize that the kernel modules needed to be compiled even though there was no GUI. Once the kernel modules are compiled, you can go back to running it from the GUI as a regular user.

I've switched to virtualbox. The virtualbox GUI has accessibility problems but it has a really nice command line interface. I just have all the commands in a script and just last night, I created a Windows vm in about 20 minutes and 19 minutes of that was installing Windows.
regular user.

On 11/18/2015 11:07 PM, Bart Bunting wrote:

So is there anyone out there using 12?

Is there anything I can check/test to see why it doesn't speak at all?

Even the menus don't speak.

Kind regards


covici ccs covici com writes:

Workstation 11  worked fine with orca, but I never paid the freight to
upgrade to 12.

Bart Bunting <bart bunting net au> wrote:

Hi there,

Has anyone had luck with vmware workstation and orca?

I am running on a debian system but get no feedback from orca when I
start vmware.

Is this a known issue?

Kind regards

Bart Bunting
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          covici ccs covici com

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