Re: [orca-list] Patch: Experimental eSpeak support using python-espeak

Hi Peter.

On 08/24/2015 05:02 PM, Peter Vágner wrote:

Originally I assumed we should be able to at least slightly boost
responsiveness of the whole chain orca vs speech-dispatcher vs eSpeak by
taking speech-dispatcher out of the chain for good.

But we'll still need speech-dispatcher for things other than eSpeak.

I need to test it more and try to come up with more improvements to find
out whether this will be at least comparable to speech-dispatcher backend.

If it's comparable to speech-dispatcher's backend, what is the advantage
to having two modules rather than one?

Of course when we are considering adding eSpeak specific features such
as variants support, rate boost and perhaps there is something else too
we can either do it by first contributing this to speech-dispatcher and
then adapting orca to new speech-dispatcher API.

My vote would be to add these sorts of fixes and features to
speech-dispatcher and then have Orca use the new speech-dispatcher API.


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