Re: [orca-list] Your comments on Bug 735691 - Change default Screen reader shortcut?

Just a small correction in intepretation. I did not try to imply that a single keyboard shortcut would either attract or block someone from migrating to Linux. I was just saying that these things are cumulative and we can walk away from or walk towards universal conventions. It is naive to say that it makes no difference.

It may make little difference for advanced users such as yourselves, but it makes a lot of difference for non-technical folk.

Having said that, I respect the majority wishes so go ahead and keep our shortcut different. Just do not say it is irrelevant. Nobody wastes these many emails on something that really makes no difference.

Then, to close this topic from my end, my own two cents would be that if we do not go with alt control Enter, we could go with alt control O, following the pattern followed by NVDA and Jaws.


On 08/31/2014 04:29 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
I wouldn't buy into all of the hype and naysayers around Windows 8. It has more users than you think, and it isn't as bad as those change resistant hype mongers would have you believe. Besides, why should we think Windows 8.2--oops, I mean Windows 9, will change it's short cut? Sounds like Vista versus Seven, where Seven looked pretty good compared to Vista and Microsoft ended up getting everyone happy with the OS they wanted to move everyone to anyway.

It's true that not too many people use Narrator as their everyday screen reader, but it has gotten much more robust lately. I've set up two Windows 8 machines using Narrator before eventually downloading NVDA. Also, going back many a version of Windows, I always set up a hot key for Narrator. When JAWS gave me trouble, it was nice to have another screen reader just a short cut away to help me read those MS error panels that would hang JAWS. Just because it isn't your default screen reader doesn't mean it isn't being used in some pretty critical situations.

That being said, I don't think we should just use what MS uses for their screen reader hot key in Linux and Orca. I'm all for making the transition between Windows and Linux easier, but one hot key isn't going to change this, and I'm not sure I want to spend my time working with a Windows user who won't switch to Linux over one hot key. They're going to have more problems than any amount of patience and help on my side will ever overcome.

Let's not let our ignorance of and disdain for Windows unduly effect our opinion here, but let's also not blow this out of proportion. Let's focus on what makes the most sense for Orca and Linux, keeping in mind what other popular OS's have used.

On 08/30/2014 09:55 AM, Luis González wrote:
I agree with Henry

I personally don't know anyone who uses Windows and Narrator,
everybody uses JAWS or NVDA. It would make more sense to me to define
super+F5, similar to Voiceover, who I'm sure it's used more than

But on the other hand, it's a good idea to "think ahead". What if
Narrator becomes an standard in the future? (I don't think so, seems
very unlikely to me).

2014-08-30 0:02 GMT-04:30, B. Henry <burt1iband gmail com>:
but why not add control alt n, like nvda, or what ever jaws has, if they
have a default these days? Narrator, come on,
give me a break. And anyone coming from win8, will be fighting with secure
boot issues most likely and if they get
throught that they surely can deal with our shortcut.
Seriously, there are not enough rational shortcuts, and having two or three
for one task will just add to confussion as
much as it helps anyone, and it will cause problems for those of us who use
a lot of shortcuts for other thiings...If it
is easly disabled, well maybe, but no, this will not make Linux more
popular, and won't help many people. Windows 8 is not
a standard, and is going to be replaced with something else this year which
may have a different shortcut anyway.

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 08:53:37PM -0400, Storm Dragon wrote:
I think having a universal way to start a screen reader across OS' is a
great idea. My grumpy side wonders why MS gets to pick the shortcut
though? Why can't they use  super+alt+s, after all, we had it that way
first. But, I havne't yet seen any pigs fly, nor hell freeze over, so I guess it's up to us to try and maintain some sort of standard. Therefore,
I'm in favor of adding the super+enter shortcut in addition to the
existing shortcut. We can't let them have it all their own way after all
lol :)
On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 06:38:30PM -0500, Kendell wrote:
Hash: SHA512

hi. Win+alt+s works fine for me. My only real issue with this is this
seems to be gnome specific. Desktops based off of gnome 3, IE unity,
work with this just fine. However mate, xfce, lxde, others, do not
work with this shortcut. This might be why orca is moving towards
integrating itself into gconf, so each desktop doesn't have to
individually add this shortcut.
Kendell clark

On 08/29/2014 04:32 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey all.

Bastien Nocera, a long-time GNOME developer and maintainer of
(amongst other things) gnome-settings-daemon, filed the following
bug today:

Bug 735691 - Change default Screen reader shortcut

<begin quoted opening report> We currently use Alt+Win+S, Windows 8
uses Win+Enter, or Win+Volume up (on tablets):

Should we switch to that? Or add it? <end quoted opening report>

Personally, I don't care much what the shortcut is, as long as we
have one and the one we have makes sense. And I myself don't see
any problems with the current shortcut. But if you guys have
opinions, please add them on this mailing list and/or on the bug as
a comment.

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