Re: [orca-list] rose garden and muse accessability progress?

Luke Yelavich writes:
On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 04:10:52AM EST, S. Massy wrote:
Not necessarily. Two soundcards certainly would be the easiest set-up
possible for various reasons, but there are a few ways to bridge alsa
and JACK so that streams to an alsa device are redirected through jack to
the master output.

Another and possibly better alternative is to configure pulseaudio to sit on top of jack. I think 
pulseaudio can automatically do as much, if you happen to be using jack2. PulseAudio can query jack to see 
if its running, and if so, it sits itself on jack automatically.

The Linux audio lists are full of advice about making jack play nicely
with pulseaudio. Generally, the advice has to do with getting pulseaudio
suspended (or removed). Generally, multiple audio cards are also
assumed. A good summary can be found at:

Given the uneasy relationship between jack and pulseaudio, it seems to
me rather foolish to expect anything very useful out of introducing yet
another uneasy relationship into the mix, namely support of screen
reader speech.

PS: Please also note the reference to pasuspender. I'm investigating use
of pasuspender with Speakup and Viavoice to see whether that might
enable me to leave speech-dispatcher working with pulse. It seemed to be
doing that very nicely until I crashed something in my pulseaudio that
keeps it from actually playing sound, even though apps like paplay and
out from pacmd suggest all volumes are up. Oh well, that's another


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