Re: [orca-list] Latest Version of Orca


That's not necessary at this point though. Yes, Speech-Dispatcher has
replaced Gnome-Speech for all intents and purposes, but it works fine
with the Gnome 2.x branch of Gnome and Orca. Up until very recently I
was using a custom compiled version of Gnome-Speech as it works better
than Speech-Dispatcher's generic support for Swift voices. So going
through all the work to replace Gnome-speech with Speech-Dispatcher on
a Gnome 2.30 system is pretty unnecessary at this point. Let's get
something stable working before we make matters worse.

On 10/15/11, Jude DaShiell <jdashiel shellworld net> wrote:
You would probably have to bet the farm and install speech-dispatcher
then uninstall gnome-speech then reboot, then maybe if orca doesn't come
up immediately run orca and go from there.

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