Re: [orca-list] is ubuntu 11.04 worth a try with Orca?

On 26/04/11 21:23, Anthony Sales wrote:
Hi the problem is though that even if you have a 3D capable card, it may not support 3D until you have 
installed it and downloaded the required drivers, and if there is no accessible Gnome fallback or 2D 
accessibility with Unity, blind users are not going to be able to run or install Ubuntu themselves in the 
first place, which means they won't be able to install the drivers - catch 22!
This is a very good point and certainly something I intend to test/file bugs about. One of three things could happen: The binary driver installation process could get smoother, or the free software drivers could get better so we don't need the binary nasties, or it could be a bit of a failure. This is all 6 months away and we really don't know what will happen with this, and some other things. It might be that the target of everything working just great in 11.10 could get missed. Ubuntu does time based releases so if something doesn't get in, it doesn't get in.

The other thing to note in general about Ubuntu and commitments to do stuff is the dual release cycle and the Long Term Support releases. This allows for a certain amount of wiggle room, more than you might expect (or want). Ubuntu 10.04 is an LTS and is supported on the desktop for 3 years. That means that there is a supported desktop Ubuntu with the traditional Gnome panel until 13.04. That is the hard deadline for getting an accessible alternative, although you and I might want every release to be accessible. This long term support thing does mean that Ubuntu can claim to have a supported Gnome panel based release for longer than any other distro has plans for one (in theory, at the moment). That said, the current plan is to have 11.10 accessible with the 3d Unity (which should run on the vast majority of hardware) with a fallback to Unity2d for certain hardware that can't do 3d - this fallback might not be very accessible. It might be that QML and Unity 2d will grow accessibility features (it is growing quite fast and is actively developed anyway so this is a real prospect) in time for 11.10 or perhaps 12.04 (which is another long term support release so they want it to be quite solid).
So in summary I think we will have:

11.04 fairly solid 2d gnome panel, limited 3d Unity
11.10 fairly solid 3d Unity, limited Unity-2d
12.04 LTS really solid 3d Unity, fairly solid Unity-2d
13.04 no more supported gnome panel release so QML needs to be accessible, or you had best have 3d hardware.


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