Re: [orca-list] Opportunity to Contribute to GNOME Accessibility: Orca Performance Improvements

Hey all.

Yeah, it's been awful quiet around here.  Other than some foreign
translations here and there, the commit log has been rather quiet
lately too.  Other than a couple bug fixes.

Well, that's for several reasons:

1. The profiles and backend work being wrapped up in a separate branch
is being tested.

2. Ale and I had Boston Summit followed by "Nashua Summit" (I live in
Nashua). At the "Nashua Summit" Ale and I spent three days face-to-face
going over all of the current code and planning an architectural
refactor which will ultimately result in Orca's code being more
approachable and Orca itself more extensible (e.g. through plugins). Ale
has just now returned to Spain and I am just now back and able to just
work on Orca. Summits and hackfests are awesome, but they do mean that
day-to-day coding goes on hold.

3. I need to update our documentation and have been working on that.

4. I've been testing WebKitGtk+Orca. Still a work in progress, but the
goal is to have minimal changes in Orca. So the bulk of the WebKitGtk
work is something you will never see as a commit.

So please do not interpret lack of tons of commits to master to mean
that we're not working hard on Orca. I would argue that we're working
harder than ever, with the end result being far better and far greater
than you'd get from a bunch of small commits.

For what it's worth....

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