Re: [orca-list] Orca, Python and blind programming

Isaac Porat <isaac porat me uk> wrote:

I have experience in developing software in a number of computer languages.
Orca is written in Python no doubt for good reasons.

As a blind programmer who rely on speech (I lost my sight to late in
life to be using Braille) I find the way Python mark blocks of
instructions with indentation practically  unusable with speech with
a screen reader (other languages mostly use brackets for this
purpose which is easy to deal with).

I know that there are hacks out there to use a pre processor to
translate from brackets to indentations but these are probably of no
use with an IDE; I do not wish to go back to text editor for
software development.
So if somebody knows an efficient way of dealing with this I will be
interested to know.

Use Emacs as your IDE. Install Emacspeak, which will announce the indentation
when Emacs is in Python mode. It will also take advantage of different voice
parameters to give you aural syntax highlighting of the code.

I prefer to edit in braille, but I also tend to run Emacs and Emacspeak so
that the speech output is available as well.

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