Re: [orca-list] Espeaks speed limitation in orca

This is actually espeak's default speed limitation, nothing to do with Orca. There is a way to make espeak go faster, and was discussed fairly recently on this list. The author of that post has since expanded it in a blog entry, see here:
Believe me, I know what you mean about the speed of espeak. It's just too slow by default, I set mine at around 530 wpm, and its default max is 390 wpm.

On Feb 6, 2009, at 09:56, Sebastian Humenda wrote:


I'm using orca on Debian, Lenny. Since I work with Espeak I'm getting used to the way it speaks. However, I have the speech speed on 100% and I think I would understand it even with a higher rate. But it is restricted. Is there any way to go around this limitation?

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