Re: [orca-list] Problem with setup on Fedora 9


Lars Bjørndal writes:
Oh, let me correct myself:
lars bjorndal broadpark no (Lars Bjørndal) writes:

I think I have an issue that I cannot play more than one sound at a
time. Therefore, I tried this /etc/asound.conf file, however with less


That's not true when I use the mentioned asound.conf. I'm able to play
from two sources at the same time. However, it needs to be the same
user. So I cannot play one sound with one user at the same time as I
play another sound from another user. And that's may couse problems
under GNOME, I think.
It's Red Hat's persnickety audio permissioning scheme, I think. They do
this on purpose--though I think their use case for it is pretty poor.

My hope, once we can effectively use pulseaudio, is that running
pulseaudio as a system daemon will get around this problem. There's a
pulseaudio group where users can be added. I think it's the right way to
do audio access--something Debian has done for a long time.

Every time I start the system, Orca needs to be restarted in order to
give speech output. Is there a way around this?

Yes, but checking the box in Orca Preferences doesn't work. Instead,
look under System Preferences for Sessions and add Orca there. It will
start Orca every time you log in.


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