Re: [orca-list] orca starting up by default

On Mon, 21 Apr 2008, Joe Quinn wrote:

owing to the brokenness of ubiquity in  versions from ubuntu 7.10, I'm not able to install orca.. so, I had 
someone help me install orca in v8.04RC today, and now, orca won't come up upon restart... he didn't install 
ubuntu with orca running, so that may be the reason... any ideas/suggestions as to how I can make orca come 
up when I log in? also, what about the accessible login thing? will that work/and how does one enable it so 
taht speech will come up upon login?

Why not just use the start up apps list I think its under system...

Or even better launch the accessibility screen options (I think its system/accesseries or system/preferences or maybe system/admin)
and then go through that dialog?
You could also try looking on google or at the orca FAQ at

also, how do you enable multi-channel sound in ubuntu? thanks.

What exactly do you mean?

Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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