Re: [orca-list] systemrequirements for orca?

Francisco Javier Dorado Martinez (tiflolinux) writes:
Recently I have improved my performance by preventing use of too much
swap memory.

A trick is to change /proc/sys/vm/swappiness value from 60 to 10, so the
system uses mainly ram memory instead of swap memory and I have noted
now the system is more stable.

I think this is just a general rule. RAM is always faster than hard drive
swap. I am surprised you had to adjust this setting by hand, though.

I am using an Acer Travelmate 290  laptop with 512 mb ram

I would predict we'll find 512 Mb a bit on the low side of acceptable

BTW: RAM is particularly cheap right now. This might be a good time to
upgrade RAM. I am upgrading my primary gui workstation to 8Gb RAM for
about $160 (after rebates) via Newegg. This is 667Mhz/5400 DIMM2 RAM.
That's probably overkill, but at this price I can afford it.


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