[orca-list] FW: Orca's naming of characters, how to correct them

Hi Michael

On my Windblows box I run ZoomText, an American developed product, and that too announces # as pound sign.

Whereas  is said as pound!  And the only way I get that is by using the extended character set.y


-----Original Message-----
From: orca-list-bounces gnome org [mailto:orca-list-bounces gnome org]On
Behalf Of Michael Whapples
Sent: 20 April 2007 00:05
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: [orca-list] Orca's naming of characters, how to correct them

Its been one thing that has bugged me from the beginning of using orca,
it refers to the hash/number symbol (#) as pound. This is so wrong, I
haven't found it in any other screen reader, synthesiser, and its just
not correct (I live in the UK, that's certainly not the pounds sign). I
either accept hash or number for it as both of these are fairly commonly
used names for it, so can this be fixed, or if you don't want to fix it
in orca, where can I fix it in my copy?

Sorry may be I am being a bit harsh about it, but it is something which
really stands out. On a similar note, there are some symbols not known
by orca, so these could do with being added, but as some of them may be
country specific, or users may have there own preference for a name for
it (eg.  and  are not spoken by orca (if I have all my character sets
done correct on this ubuntu machine, the second of those examples is the
pounds sign)), so a user configuration system for the naming of symbols
might be good.

Michael Whapples
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