Re: [PATCH] Re: OpenConnect, Juniper and NetworkManager

On Mon, 2016-05-09 at 16:44 -0600, Brett Johnson wrote:

<raises hand>.  I use openconnect on the command line, and would love to test
patches that integrate it into NM, assuming that's what we're talking about
here.  So I'll volunteer :)

(Picking a semi-random message to follow up to).

I think we're fairly much settled on this, and for GNOME/GTK+ users it
should be working. Ian is still looking at the KDE support (for which
see ).

You can build NetworkManager-openconnect from git (master and nm-1-2
branches should be identical) or I've built packages for Fedora rawhide
(which should also work in Fedora 24) at 

Until NetworkManager 1.4 you won't be able to *configure* a Juniper VPN
through the GUI (unless we make a temporary workaround or backport the
solution) but you can do it with nmcli on the command line, for

 nmcli con add type vpn \
        con-name "My Juniper VPN" \
        ifname "*" \
        vpn-type openconnect \
        -- \ ",protocol=nc"

Please give it a try and let me know if there are any problems. If it's
all OK, we'll ship a NetworkManager-openconnect 1.2.4 release and put
it in Fedora 24 (at least) too.

David Woodhouse                            Open Source Technology Centre
David Woodhouse intel com                              Intel Corporation

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