NetworkManager autoconnects to profiles in reverse order


I need to provision about 500 Ubuntu 14.04 machines. These machines allow children with a long term illness to follow class from the hospital or from home using our videoconferencing system. We provide this service for free.

Fot his, we need to provide four NetworkManager profiles, one DHCP and three static. It seems I've stumbled onto a bug with NetworkManager When I select a profile manually and reboot, NetworkManager connects to the profile that has the oldest timestamp. So it's not connecting to the last used profile, which is of course very troublesome.

I can reproduce this by simply restarting NetworkManager or rebooting. It will loop through the four network profiles in the same order always. So it's doing the exact reverse of what's supposed to happen.

Any pointers on what I can do to resolve this? I need to start provisioning very soon and I hadn't foreseen bumping into a problem like this, so any help is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

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