Re: vpn and stuff

On Sat, 2015-09-12 at 19:56 +0200, Xen wrote:


Requesting OpenVPN listens at port 1194 for the management console
not be the most rad choice as a user may want to use that port for 
tunneling to a remote OpenVPN server. So you get a conflict between
tunnel listening socket and OpenVPN opening a port there to receive 
commands. It seems wrong to use the same port number for both. Right
I'm having to put my tunnel at 1193 (for example) just so OpenVPN 
(nonconfigurable? --) runs at 1194. This is a parameter choice of NM:

--management 1194

1194 is the default port where Openvpn listens for VPN traffic. It has
nothing to do with the --management port.
While openvpn allows --management to use tcp, nm-openvpn uses a unix
domain socket:

  --mangement /run/NetworkManager/nm-openvpn-UUID unix

Especially, it does not use 1194 port.


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