Re: Networkmanager overwrites /etc/resolv.conf

Em Monday 10 October 2011, Patrick McMunn escreveu:

> I have NetworkManager compiled with support for OpenResolv. I use KPPP

> to connect to the internet. For some reason, KPPP doesn't update

> /etc/resolv.conf with DNS info when it connects (I reported a bug 2

> years ago and it still hasn't been resolved). So in order to connect

> to the internet and browse, I have my /etc/resolvconf.conf set up as

> follows:


Kppp is unmaintained and it never updates /etc/resolv.conf, pppd does if you pass the usepeerdns parameter to pppd, which I think is the default Kppp configuration. You also need to add a script in /etc/ppp/if-up.d directory to actually edit /etc/resolv.conf when a ppp connection is established. I could not find your bug report in

> name_servers=""


> And when I connect to the internet /etc/resolv.conf is updated with

> the info in /etc/resolvconf.conf. But if I disable networking in

> NetworkManager then reenable it, or if I try to activate a wireless

> network (I don't know it this also holds true for wired networks,

> since I can't test that) while I'm connected to the internet,

> NetworkManager overwrites /etc/resolv.conf and the only line in it is:


> # Generated by NetworkManager


> So I have to either redial my internet connection or manually edit

> /etc/resolv.conf to add my DNS server info in order to continue

> browsing.




Lamarque V. Souza

Linux User #57137 -

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