Re: ModemManager: avoid sending power-up command to Sierra MC8780

On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 07:23 -0700, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
> Hi hi,
> Gerd, Pantelis and me debugged the issue off-list and came up with the
> following patch which fixes the issue for Gerd. It will avoid sending
> the power-up command to the Sierra MC8780 modem. Probably some other
> similar Sierra modems could benefit from the patch, but as we don't
> really know which of them, only that specific model is considered.

Just saw this reply; I replied in the other thread about the 8780; I
think we should investigate the AT+CFUN <rst> parameter the Sierra docs
talk about and see if that helps, otherwise we should also be checking
CFUN state initially and *not* setting it if the modem is already in
that state.


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