Not connecting out of hibernation

I have a new openSUSE 11.2 instllation and networkmanager has been
working fine, but in the last day or so it has started acting up. When I
come out of hibernation (and sometimes when I reboot), it won't connect.
It keeps prompting me for the password (which it has correctly anyway).
I click "Connect" and 10-or so seconds later it comes back and prompts
me again.

I've tried stopping and restarting the radio in my computer, but that
doesn't help. I've also tried disabling and re-enabling wireless on NM,
but that hasn't helped either.

Another wireless box seems to be working fine--Windows box comes out of
hibernation and gets wireless ok. I finally get wireless through NM only
by powering down and restarting the WAP.

Any suggestions?


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