ANN: NetworkManager 0.7.3 released


I'm pleased to announce the release of NetworkManager 0.7.3, the latest
version of the super-stable release series.  NM 0.7.x releases are
maintenance-only and will no longer receive major features since the
0.8.x release are stable release.  But for those of you still running
0.7.x (like OLPC) this update provides tons of fixes:

- many fixes for mobile broadband device compatibility
- updates and conformance fixes for ifcfg-rh system configuration
- native support for OLPC mesh interfaces
- WiFi crash fixes and stupid driver workarounds
- fixes Enable Networking being off when hibernate/resume failes
- fixes for WiFi AdHoc networking
- certificate handling fixes in applet and connection editor
- adds the option to disable all notification bubbles
- usability fixes for IP address configuration

Thanks to everyone who helped out and contributed to this release!  You
can get tarballs in the usual places:

There may be a 0.7.4 release at some point this year if there are enough
fixes to warrant it.  Since there aren't any major features planned for
0.7.4, it's hard to say when that release would be.


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