Re: network-manager-netbook with NetworkManager 0.8

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 02:47, Peter Robinson<pbrobinson gmail com> wrote:
> I've been looking at the recent break of network-manager-netbook in
> rawhide. I was hoping it was going to be the simple fix that I needed
> to apply to mojito.... I was wrong :( . Digging deeper it looks like a
> lot of the patch that was applied to network-manager-applet [1] also
> applies to network-manager-netbook. I'm not sure I have the
> NetworkManager prowess to migrate the patch across so any helpers,
> pointers and assistance would be greatly appreciated :)

Someone simply needs to port network-manager-netbook to
libnm_glib-0.8. Since we (Novell) can't use 0.8 in our next release
(11.2) because NM releases tend to be synced with Fedora releases
(which happens after our release), it hasn't been in my TODO list. The
patch you reference does a lot more and the actual needed patch would
be much smaller. I'm not sure how the support for 0.8 would be
implemented while keeping it compatible with 0.7, I'm not a fan of
#ifdefs. Nor am I a fan of keeping two branches in sync...

For anyone else interested in packaging network-manager-netbook, I
have a couple of patches for NetworkManager as well to make it
integrate better in moblin environment. One patch renames automatic
connections "Auto ethX" to "Wired" since netbooks usually don't have
multiple ethernet devices. One patch modifies the PolicyKit
permissions to allow all users modify system connections - netbooks
aren't usually multi-user machines and we need to change the "connect
automatically" property of the system ethernet connection when the
user clicks on "Disconnect". The last patch downs all modems in
addition to wifi devices when WirelessEnabled is disabled. Let me know
if you're interested in any of these patches and can't find them from


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