"Ignoring loopback device" errror

  When I start network manager I get in kernel log:
	  Mar 12 10:22:37 localhost nm-system-settings:    ifcfg-fedora:
parsing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo ...
Mar 12 10:22:37 localhost nm-system-settings:    ifcfg-fedora:
error: Ignoring loopback device config.

I tried it on 2 machines, one with Fedora 10 and one with Fedora 8.
NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.11.svn4229.fc10.i386, the second is :

Is there something wrong with my network configuration scripts?
if I will grab NetworkManager latest sources  (from the repository) and build -
will I have this ? or is there a workaround (changing something in
network scripts) to avoid this message?


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