Re: dbus and OpenVPN Autostart

On Mon, 2009-04-27 at 08:46 -0700, Harald S. wrote:
> Is it possible to modify the script such that if I have vpn connecting
> automatically for all network connections, it will not automatically
> reconnect to the vpn if I disconnect the vpn connection manually. 

Hmm, that wouldn't be possible without a more complex script, since that
depends on specific state.  NM doesn't signal the script whether the
disconnect was user-triggered or a failure of some kind, although NM
does have that information internally.

If you wanted to do that now, you'd write a small daemon that listens on
D-Bus for the NM device state changes events, which include a result
code that tells you what the disconnection reason was.  The small daemon
could then do whatever it wanted to do with that information, and you
wouldn't need a dispatcher script at all.

Dispatcher scripts are simply kludges for stuff that can't talk D-Bus.
At a certain point, if you require functionality that's not reasonable
to implement in the dispatcher script case, you'd probably be better off
listening to dbus with a small daemon, because then you have the full NM
API to work with.

> What I would like is to have network-manager connecting automatically to a
> specific vpn access point, but I want to be able to choose a different
> access point manually when I need to.

In the end, we just need to make this work within NetworkManager.  It's
something people have been requesting for a while.


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