Re: About NM Connection Editor

Daniel Qarras wrote:
I have been following this thread and wondering what the NM
Connection Editor is and how I recognize I am using it!

I do see something 'new' in the menus in system>Preferences>NetworkProxy, but that is probably not it or only
a part....

You need a recent NM (0.6.6 or later), then just right-click on
nm-applet and select Edit Connection where you'll see Wired/Wireless/.
grrrr. It looks like my 0.6.4 is in the Centos base repo, this means I have to find a rpm for 0.6.6 that I can put into my 'local' repo, as I problably won't see a newer version from upstream until 5.2....

So is there an rpm for 6.6 out there?

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