Re: NetworkManager & network service

Hi Patrick,

Is that the same problem as the one I encountered? (check previous posts)
Try the version from the updates-testing repository.


Le mardi 08 janvier 2008 à 10:06 +0100, Patrick Pichon (HP Service - C&I GWE) a écrit :
dear all,

Since I upgraded my system ( HP Laptop nc6400 ) to Fedora Core 8, I have 
a strange network behavior.

network, NetworkManager, NetworkManagerDispatcher services are enable

After the reboot ( without login in), I don't have any network 
connectivity. In the case where my laptop is plugin to the wired 
network, I cannot ping it from anywhere. After further investigation 
during the boot process, it looks :

 - start of network service -> Laptop is getting an IP address and is 
pingable .
 - start of NetworkManager -> Laptop is not pingable anymore
 - End of boot

 ( Still not pingable )...

 - Of course, if now I start to log to the system, NM work is done and 
then it is pingable until I logout.

Anyone experiencing such behavior ?

Best regards

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