Re: Problems with Ubuntu 8.10 and multiple users (connection closed on log out)

On Mon, 2008-12-08 at 11:42 +0100, Dídac Busquets wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 and since then I have a little 
> problem with nm-applet.
> When the first user to log in my machine starts his session,
> nm-applet 
> is started and it automatically connects to my wireless network. Up
> to 
> here everything is fine.
> However, if a second user logs in (the first one not loggin out),
> there 
> is no nm-applet it his session. This is not a huge problem, since the 
> connection still works for both users.
> The problem comes when the first user logs out, then, his nm-applet 
> shutdowns, and so does the connection, thus leaving the second user 
> non-connected, and without any nm-applet in his session.

Correct; there are two types of network connections; 'user' and
'system'.  System connections are available to all users of the machine
to activate and deactivate, while user connections are available only to
the user that created them.

It sounds like your primary connection isn't a system connection, and
thus when your user logs out, your preferences (which contain the
connection information) go away, and of course the connection is brought

Try setting up the connection in /etc/network/interfaces, and if that
doesn't work for some reason, use the keyfile plugin (add ",keyfile"
to /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf at the end of the
"plugins=" line, and restart), and create a new system connection in the
connection editor.


> This problem did not happen with Ubuntu 8.04. All users logging in
> had 
> their own nm-applet and the connection was never shutdown.
> Anyone experiencing the same problem? Any ideas of how to fix it?
> Thanks in advance.
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