[gnome.org #16443] AutoReply: Application received from Mario Sanchez Prada (mariospr AT gmail.com)


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        "Application received from Mario Sanchez Prada (mariospr AT gmail.com)",

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                        membership-applications gnome org

Contact Information

Full Name: Mario Sanchez Prada
Email:     mariospr AT gmail.com

Mail alias: No
Mail alias username: 
Jabber Account: No

Contributions Summary:
My name is Mario Sanchez Prada, I'm the current maintainer of the 'frogr' project[1] and a proud member of 
the GNOME Foundation since January 2011. I already have a msanchez gnome org email address, as an alias for 
mariospr gmail com.

See a list of my main contributions below:

* Lead developer of Frogr [1], a small GNOME application for uploading pictures to flickr. Released 3 
different versions since March 2017 (1.3, 1.4, 1.5), increasing the user base from ~8250 in March 2017 to 
9821 authenticated users as from today (March 12th, 2019).

* Contributed to a few GNOME projects here and there during this past period as part of my job in Endless, 
where I've been maintaining Endless' fork of GNOME Shell for most of that period, along with other 
components. In particular, I mostly contributed upstream to gnome-shell, mutter, glib, and 
gnome-control-center, among others[2].

* Contributed to other projects outside GNOME gitlab: flatpak[3], xdg-desktop-portal[4] and 

Last, I'd just like to clarify that due to my recent change of affiliation (Endless -> Igalia), along with 
the fact that I'm mostly focused on working on Chromium upstream these days as part of my day job, my 
contributions to GNOME will likely not increase in the short/mid-term, and will probably be mostly limited to 
frogr maintenance + the occasional bug fix.

That said, I'd still like to keep my association to the GNOME Project & membership to the Foundation if 
that's ok, so here I am requesting a renewal for the next 2 years. Hope it gets accepted! :-)

Thanks for considering me for renewal,

[1] https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Frogr
[2] https://gitlab.gnome.org/users/msanchez/activity
[3] https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/commits?author=mariospr
[4] https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/commits?author=mariospr
[5] https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk/commits?author=mariospr

* Emmanuele Bassi (ebassi gnome org): GNOME's GTK core developer and maintainer of several projects (GSK, 
Graphene, Emeus, Clutter...). Contributor to GLib, GTK+, and other core libraries. GNOME
* Carlos Garcia Campos (carlosgc gnome org): WebKitGTK+ and Evince maintainer
* Philip Withnall (pwithnall gnome org): Maintainer of GLib and contributor to many other GNOME projects.
* Richard Hughes (richard hughsie com): Maintainer of several projects (GNOME Software, GNOME PackageKit, 
GNOME Power Manager, GNOME Color Manager, UPower, and PackageKit...)

[Application received at Tue Mar 12 12:29:25 2019 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that it usually takes up to a week for an application to be fully 

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