[gnome.org #15901] Application received from Ali Jawad (amjjawad AT gmail.com)

Dear Ali,

Thank you for submitting your GNOME Foundation Membership renewal. It's great that you want to continue 
supporting GNOME through the Foundation!

Having examined your application the Foundation Membership Committee has decided that it is unable to renew 
your membership at this time.

Members of the Foundation are required to be actively contributing to the GNOME Project. If there is any 
evidence or contacts that were not included in your original renewal application, please provide them so that 
we can reevaluate our decision. We will be more than happy to renew your membership as soon as we receive 
evidence of your recent contributions to GNOME!

Thanks for your patience and interest in the GNOME Foundation.

Best wishes, 

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

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