Re: Application received from Will Thompson (will AT


There was no tickybox for a blog. I currently have which ideally I would like to keep!


— Will

On Sun, 4 Aug 2013, at 01:40 PM, GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
Script wrote:
Contact Information

Full Name: Will Thompson
Email:     will AT

Mail alias: No
Mail alias username: 
Jabber Account: No

Contributions Summary:
My main contributions to GNOME have been to the Telepathy framework and
Empathy atop that. I try to be a good citizen and send bug reports and
fixes, developer documentation tweaks, etc. to other bits and bobs. The
Telepathy stuff was mostly done in the course of working at Collabora.
I've recently left that job so I'm not sure what form my ongoing
contributions to GNOME will take, but I intend to keep myself involved
one way or another – probably smallish bug fixes and the like.

You can see my GNOME Bugzilla stats at
. I'm sure Jonny Lamb, Marco Barisione or a number of other Collabora
people would vouch for me.

Foundation Previous Participation:
I have been a foundation member for the past four (I think?) years.

[Application received at Sun Aug 4 20:40:06 2013 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that it usually takes up to a week for
an application to be fully processed.

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