Re: [ #12498] GNOME Membership Application of Chandni Verma

I met Chandni in last GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 in Bangalore, she gave talks
about her experience of working on WOP, this session is well attend and
encourage more women from Indian to participate in WOP. After this summit,
she join the GNOME.Asia Committee, help on the summit organizing in 2012.

I will be happy to see Chandni become a member of GNOME foundation.


2012/2/4 Marina Zhurakhinskaya <marinaz redhat com>


I highly recommend Chandni for the GNOME Foundation membership! She did
really well during her Outreach Program for Women internship and presented
about her work at the GNOME.Asia Summit in 2011. She continues contributing
to GNOME, taking on serious bugs and improving her GNOME technologies


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pedro Villavicencio via RT" <membership-applications gnome org>
Cc: marinaz redhat com, danielle madeley id au, luciana fujii eti br,
emilychen522 gmail com
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2012 1:10:28 PM
Subject: [ #12498] GNOME Membership Application of Chandni Verma

Dear Marina Zhurakhinskaya, Danielle Madeley, Luciana Fujii Pontello and
Emily Chen,

The GNOME Membership Committee is about to process Chandni Verma's
application to become a GNOME Foundation Member and therefore we would
like to receive some feedback about the applicant and the GNOME-related
work. (past and present contributions are usually fine)

Please remember that vouching for a contributor means you really think
he/she deserves to be a Foundation Member and that you trust the
applicant and their work for the global GNOME community. If unsure about
vouching or not,
please let us know why you don't feel enough comfortable in advocating
this applicant.

For further details about the applicant, feel free to have a look at the
applicant's application at the following link:

At your service,

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

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