Re: Application received from Tiffany Antopolski (tiffany.antopolski AT

2011/4/14 Tiffany <tiffany antopolski gmail com>:

    In response to my membership application I received the e-mail below
back in January, but still haven't heard anything further. How can I found
out what the status of the application is?

Looks like RT didnt send out the response e-mail properly to you. It can be
found at [1]. We are sorry but your application got mainly rejected
for two reasons:

1. vouchers never answered back after more than a week.
2. we would like to see more stable and durable contributions
from you before welcoming you into the Foundation.

If you have any other question, feel free to mail us at [2].


GNOME Membership Committee

[2] membership-committee gnome org

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