GNOME Board elections 2009 (draft)

This is my proposition. Please add comment inline if possible.

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Oyez, oyez, oyez dear GNOME foundation members!

As you should know, the GNOME foundation is run by a board of 7 directors
known as "The Board"(1). After one full year of active duty, it's now time
to refresh either the blood or our confidence. Which means :

                    *GNOME Board Elections 2009*

            May 22th : deadline to apply as a candidate
            May 22th-25th : send your questions for the candidates
            June 3rd-17th : Voting period
            July 3rd : old and new board meet at GUADEC

Do you want to be empowered by the community ? Do you like the smell of
burnoutized brain in the morning ? Do you want to be part of the board
that will achieve ultimate GNOME world domination ? Then you can be a
candidate to !


Every GNOME foundation member listed on the website.(2). If you are not
listed, you have until the 1st of June to contact the membership
committee. If you receive a mail to ask you to renew your two years
membership, you have until the 1st of June to reply.


Voting is done by email. Voters will receive complete instructions on June
3rd. If you have not received anything on June 5th, contact the membership

You have until June 17th to cast your vote according to the instructions
you will receive.


You are a potential candidate. Don't be afraid : you don't have to be a
planet.gnome troll-hem-rockstar or to have a 28 karma on bugzilla. Being a
foundation member is the proof that you showed significant implication in
the GNOME project. And the worst thing that could happen to you is not
being elected. Not a big risk : nothing to loose and a lot to win.
Remember that every GNOME rockstar that worked in the board was a

Being a candidate is really simple : send an email to the membership
committee before May 22th. Buying them a beer might help too.


Between May 22th and May 25th, any voter can send his questions to the
candidates. Send them to the membership committee. On May 25th, the
committee will select the most relevant non-duplicates questions and send
them to all candidates.


The old, white haired board will meet the fresh gang at GUADEC on July
3rd. They will party all night and then... I guess you have to be there to


Don't hesitate to ask the membership committee if you have any question or
any doubt (did we said that we like beer ?)

Democratically yours,

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

(1) see for more infos

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