It's time to discuss *that* matter again


We took over at the end of one election (well nearly) and finally
managed to survive through one (I would assume that we survived since no
one has flamed us yet).

And it is time to discuss *that* question again - what do we do about
the composition of the committee ?

Or in other words, speaking for myself - I have done precious little
save bothering good folks asking for references and that too after a lot
of guidance and TLC from Vincent. I believe that there are other
competent, energetic and motivated folks out there who could be given a
chance to participate in the process.

It gave me great thrill to write to and receive mail from my GNOME
heroes, but as I said above, I have not done much and the presence on
this committee deserves more.

I would like to take this mail to initiate a thread on this issue. As
for me, once we have volunteers on board - I would like to take a bow,
thank my co-members, Vincent and the GNOME community for making it such
a wonderful place to interact.

And since this is a first mail of the New Year - here's wishing you a
Happy New Year.

Warm regards


From Untruth, lead me to the Truth,
From Darkness, Lead me towards the Light,
From Death, Lead me to Life Eternal.

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