Re: Things to do/Roadmap

On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 01:39:49AM +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
(sorry for the late answer: I'm a lot more busy than expected)

Le mercredi 07 janvier 2004, a 18:38, Eric Baudais a ecrit :
I have made some progress.  I have the program on a friend's server.
The URL is I need to do some
bug fixing to bring it back to where it was though.  Then I'd like to
draft a design document and continue to code.  The scope of the
membership database has enlarged from what I previously envisioned.  I
hope to work on it a lot this weekend and hopefully fix a majority of
the existing bugs.  I'll write a draft of the design doc in a couple
of weeks.

I had a quick look at your page and it looks like a good start.
I'll try to look a bit more at it ASAP. Is there some access to the

I forgot something else.  The SQL files for the MySQL database are at and

Eric Baudais

They give you illusion that has the appearance of truth.  I give you
truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion.
                                             --Tennessee Williams

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