Re: Applications processed + future renewals

Sorry for answering so late :/

Le Sat, 14 Jun 2003 15:30:01 -0500, Eric Baudais a ecrit :


I have started on the membership database.  You can view the web
interface at This is just a start to the
database.  The only part of the web interface working is searching the
database and showing all members in the database.  Right now there are
only 4 entries in the database for testing purposes.  I'll be adding a
way to insert new members into the database (the insert button doesn't

I lookeed at this. It looks great. But I think there's something we
should do : we should have to DB tables, one for the applications and
one for the members. Thus, we can have a record of all applications. And
we have an easy access to all the current members. If someone applies
twice, we'll still have both applications and this sounds important to
me. What do you think about it ?

What I really need help on is to convert the flat file into a SQL file
to insert in to the database I've made.  I haven't been very
successful extracting the data from our flat file.

I can work on that if you haven't found a solution yet.

Currently there isn't a way to keep track of renewals in the database
either.  I plan to work on that issue once I have made the web
interfaces to display, insert, and delete entries from the database.

Cool, you rock !


Les gens heureux ne sont pas presses.

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