Re: Meld 3.11.0 and encoding

On 1 March 2014 07:04, Claudio Fischer <claudio fischer freenet de> wrote:
Hi Kai,

why did you remove the encoding settings?
In version 1.8 I found them very usefull when working with various systems
(windows xp).
I was able to set it to "utf8 latin1" and everything was fine.

Setting this in gsettings for version 3 is not very comfortable :-(

Please remember this is the first version of 3.11, so not everything
is completely polished. I'm *hoping* to have a different solution for
encoding selection in the future, which will probably look something
like gedit's character encoding selection box in the filechooser.

An other approach would be to set the default encoding settings in
 to something like "utf8 latin1" to fit most of the users out of the box.

We can't really do this; decoding as latin1 if you don't know for sure
that that's what you've got is pretty much just asking to be shown
random bytes.


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