Re: Meld 3.11.3


I just tried these windows binaries and I had a few problems. I list
them here starting from the most serious in case you are interested:

1. The most serious issue is that I can just not diff some files. I
get the following error message:

is not in encodings: ['utf8']

I believe I could open these files with Meld 1.8. I can open them fine
with every text editor I've tried. I don't think meld should expect
the files to be in a particular encoding. This problem is so serious
that I cannot use this version of meld at all.

2. I cannot get syntax highlighting to work (tab completion was
disabled on the preferences by default, but enabling it did not fix
the problem).

3. TortoiseHg does not detect meld:

The reason is that TortsoiseHg expected to find an entry on the
registry that would tell it where to find the meld executable (either
"SOFTWARE\Meld\Executable" or "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Meld\Executable").
It is possible to manually fix this problem since you can tell
TortoiseHg the exact location of meld. Also, I am a member of the
TortoiseHg team, so we can change that so that TortoiseHg looks for
the meld executable by location (in
"${ProgramFiles(x86)}/Meld/meld.exe"), but having a registry entry (as
many other diff tools on windows do) seems better, since it would let
the user install Meld somewhere else.

5. Every time that I open a new meld comparison from TortoiseHg a new
meld instance is open. I don't recall if older versions of meld
behaved this way. In any case, is there some flag that we can pass to
the meld executable so that a single meld instance is used?

6. The open externally option does not work by default. I guess it is
because by default the "Use default system editor" is enabled by
default. It should be possible to use a windows API to open a file
with its default editor.

7. The text in the meld menus seems very "squeezed". The text in the
menus seems have a proper size, but the height of the menu rows seems
to bee too small.

8. In my pretty powerful PC scrolling a diff is a bit jerky. It is not
as smooth as in other diff tools.

In addition, and this is not related to the windows port, I find the
new comparision window very confusing. The problem is that there are 3
buttons (file comparision, directory comparision, and Version Control
View) and 3 file combo boxes right below them, but they are totally
unrelated! That is, if you click file comparison the combo boxes are
all related to file comparisons, if you click directory comparision
they are related to that. The only visual clue that tells you that
they are related to a mode is that the mode button that you clicked is
highlighted, but IMHO this is not enough. I think there should either
be some additional visual clue (e.g. a panel surrounding the combo
boxes linked to the selected mode button or something of the sort) or
perhaps the combo boxes should be stacked vertically instead of
horizontally so that it does not seem that they are related to the
comparison type buttons.

Anyway, despite these problems (expcept perhaps #1 and #2) this
version looks very promising. I can't for #1 to be fixed so that I can
actually use it.



On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 11:17 PM, Michael Mientus
<mmientus eagleseven com> wrote:

Michael Mientus

-----Original Message-----
From: meld-list [mailto:meld-list-bounces gnome org] On Behalf Of Kai Willadsen
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2014 5:22 PM
To: meld-list
Subject: Re: Meld 3.11.3

On 23 August 2014 14:50, Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com> wrote:
Meld 3.11.3 has been released, and is now available at:

Windows binaries are now available at:

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