Re: Version control support call for help

On 18 May 2013 10:41, Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com> wrote:
[0] And looking through things, I've now noticed that we still
'support' Codeville and Arch, neither of which really exist anymore,
so that's... nice. Expect these plugins to disappear Real Soon Now
unless someone steps up to take them.

These modules are now no longer with us.

Of the version control systems that Meld supports, the following are
Expected To Work:
 * Git
 * Mercurial
 * Bazaar
 * Subversion

We also have:
 * Fossil - Relatively new and looks okay, but it needs to use newer Meld API.
 * SVK - As long as it just works like SVN it can stay.

And in the totally-unmaintained column:
 * Monotone - Our 'interface version' support is 9.0, and they're at 13.0. I
   have no idea whether anyone is using this or whether it works.
 * Darcs - Our module code looks okay, but I have no idea what its status is.
 * CVS - I guess people still use this? It doesn't support *any* modern VC
   capabilities, and is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with.
 * RCS - Really?

Our Monotone and Darcs modules haven't been touched by anyone who actually
uses them in *four years*. It's two or three years for CVS and RCS.

One of my goals for 1.7.4 is to migrate all VC modules to get rid of the
diff-then-patch approach to getting repository versions of files, and I'm
not above removing support for the above systems in order to get there. I'd
like to support as wide a range of systems as possible, but right now it's
just not happening.

If you use any of the above, then please make noise now.


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