Re: mc Digest, Vol 102, Issue 3

Can we switch-off mcedit's <ghost tab marks> ?
So that when we paste like:-----------
       -i  --ignore-case
<------>      Ignore case differences in file contents.

<------>      Ignore case when comparing file names.
  we don't carry the spurious
  which are apparently supposed to show that <tabs> were used.

Too smart-ass facilities, which are for artistic only reasons,
and can't be switched off are of NEGATIVE value: like auto-indent,
or absurdly breaking words, like "be-cause" just to get
news-paper-like uniformly-spaced-columns, or *.pdf when.
plain-text is adequate and better.

BUG !! After using <spell check> via mcedit,.
cursor-moving-keys cause characters to be written.
And amazingly this fault stays with the file, even after
it's saved and re-opened later. So it looks as if an
attribute, like.
<interpret all cursor-arrows as eg. "AB"..>
is <carried> with THAT previously ispelled-file.

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